Wat is een Beer Run? Bier en pickup trucks aanwezig!
door Bas
Bron: www.youtube.com
Bron: www.youtube.com
Wat hier helemaal de bedoeling van is dat is me nog niet helemaal duidelijk. Wel is het iets voor echte mannen. Bier en dikke pick up trucks, meer hebben we toch niet nodig?
Lang leve de Beer Run!
De originele tekst:
It had been a dark and stormy week but despite the many flash flood warnings they tossed caution to the wind and made that daring BEER RUN. After all - they were out of beer and they had faith in that old pick up truck to get the job done and save the day. BEER RUN FAIL !! Truck versus creek. The kids and I stumbled upon a truck stuck in the creek near a washed out bridge, we took turns telling stories about how it ' may ' have gotten there. Well -- this is what we came up with.